Today, my wife told me she found out that our baby, Osam, has signs of jaundice when she went for breastfeeding consultation. I knew that yellowish skin was a symptom, but newborn jaundice? 🤔 What's wrong with Osam? I decided to do some research on the subject.
Newborn Jaundice:
Jaundice occurs when there's an increase in bilirubin pigment in the body, turning the skin yellow. Bilirubin is produced when old red blood cells break down, which is usually excreted through feces. But if it doesn't get excreted and accumulates in cells, the skin appears yellow - this is called jaundice. In infants, red blood cells have a shorter lifespan than in adults, meaning they break down faster, leading to more bilirubin production. Especially in newborns, due to their underdeveloped liver functions, they are at a higher risk for jaundice. This is termed as physiological jaundice.
Types of Newborn Jaundice:
Newborn jaundice can be categorized into physiological jaundice and pathological jaundice. Given that Osam is now 4 days old, he probably has physiological jaundice.
Physiological Jaundice:
Typically appears around days 3-4 after birth and naturally disappears between days 7-10 as the baby's liver matures. Generally, 60% of full-term babies and 80% of premature babies show signs of it. I thought Osam would be fine in time, but since there are different levels of jaundice, we decided to opt for laser treatment out of precaution😭.
Pathological Jaundice:
This type of jaundice appears on the first day or persists for 10-14 days or when the bilirubin level exceeds 12ml/dL. Causes include Rh incompatibility, ABO incompatibility, and biliary diseases.
Jaundice Levels & Treatment:
Jaundice is classified into 5 levels, and it's recommended to consult a doctor if the baby is at level 3 or higher, or if they're at level 1 or 2 but have difficulty feeding.
Jaundice Treatment:
The two main treatments for jaundice are frequent breastfeeding and phototherapy. Breastmilk helps excrete bilirubin, playing a significant role in preventing or treating jaundice. My wife just started trying to breastfeed today, but there wasn't much milk (about 15ml). We might need to look into ways to increase milk supply, like breast massages😅.
Phototherapy involves exposing the baby to blue light after covering their eyes and leaving the diaper on. This treatment helps avoid complications related to newborn jaundice.
Still, seeing Osam undergo this treatment is heartbreaking. But considering his jaundice level is around 2-3 and he's having difficulty feeding, we decided on phototherapy. I just hope this works for him. 😭
Memories from April 8, 2023