Types of Comprehensive Examinations for Newborns (Within 28 Days After Birth)

신생아 건강검진 예약

Newborn Health Checkup Reservation

Yesterday afternoon, when I went to see Osami, the doctor in the newborn room gave me a piece of paper. It was a verification form for scheduling a health checkup. The list had many items, some with technical terms that I put aside for now... The doctor recommended getting an eye checkup for newborns, as 1 in 70 could have an issue. While exploring the comprehensive eye examination, I decided to delve deeper into the free and paid health checkups available for newborns. The content I'll detail here pertains to tests conducted during the postnatal hospital stay (within 28 days after birth). I'll look into infant health checkups (from 14 days to 71 months post-birth) separately.

Newborn Comprehensive Examination

Upon visiting the Lifestyle Regulation Information site, there was a section under the 'Newborn Health Management' category about 'Health Checkup Support'.

- National Support - Newborn Health Checkups:
  - Support for Congenital Metabolic Disorder Testing
  - Support for Newborn Hearing Screening

Support for Congenital Metabolic Disorder Testing

The types of congenital metabolic disorders included phenylketonuria, hypothyroidism, homocystinuria, maple syrup urine disease, galactosemia, and congenital adrenal hyperplasia. All of these terms were unfamiliar, so I further explored each condition. I even sketched out a chart based on information from Seoul Asan Hospital. 

Support for Congenital Metabolic Disorder Testing

Support for Congenital Metabolic Disorder Testing

The more I learn, the scarier these conditions seem. If not detected early, not only developmental disorders but also death can occur. Hence, getting these tests within 28 days post-birth is free, so I'll need to ensure Osami's results are meticulously checked.

Support for Newborn Hearing Screening

This test determines the presence of deafness. Unlike the metabolic disorder tests, not all are covered for free. 

- Eligibility for Newborn Hearing Screening Support:
  - Households with a median income below 180%
  - Newborns from families with two or more children are supported regardless of income level.

If not eligible, there's a separate fee of 5-10,000 won for the test. Please refer to the table below for the 2023 health insurance self-pay standard for median income 180%. 

2023 health insurance self-pay standard for median income 180%

The frequency of congenital profound deafness is 1-2 per 1,000, while moderate to severe deafness is 5-6 per 1,000. Given the higher prevalence compared to metabolic disorders, all newborns are tested. If undetected, it can adversely affect the child's linguistic, academic, social, and emotional development. Thus, I've applied for Osami, especially since it's free with national support.

Additional Examination

Aside from the above tests, the hospital also recommended a 'comprehensive newborn eye examination'. The listed price on the verification form was 170,000 won. This is the price provided by the Suji Future Obstetrics and Gynecology where Osami was born; prices might vary at other hospitals. However, most places seem to offer it for around 150,000 won.

Comprehensive Eye Examination

The incidence of eye disorders in newborns is said to be 1 in 70. Conditions include congenital cataract, congenital glaucoma, retinoblastoma, retinal hemorrhage, and retinopathy of prematurity. Even though each specific condition might not be very common, the aggregate rate of having any of these disorders seems to result in the 1 in 70 figure.

Comprehensive Eye Examination

Comprehensive Eye Examination

After looking into this, it feels right to detect and treat any potential condition early on if possible. But, there's a concern: the use of mydriatics in a baby's eyes for pupil dilation. Even adults can experience blurred vision or sensitivity to light after such tests.

👉 Role of Mydriatics: Pupil dilation

After pondering and seeing Osami's face once more, I've decided! No eye health examination for now. It doesn't feel right to use mydriatics in an infant's eyes who hasn't even opened them fully. I'll keep track of the 'baby's visual development' I previously noted, and if there seem to be any issues by the 3-month mark, I'll consider a checkup then.

👉 Baby Development Encyclopedia - Partial content on visual development at 3 months:
If there's a white film over the baby's eyes or if, by 3 months, you don't get the feeling of the baby making eye contact, a pediatric ophthalmology consultation is needed. Detecting congenital cataracts early and following the specialist's advice, including potential surgery, is crucial!

A record of April 6th, 2023.
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